Our badges and awards are part of what makes us Scouts. And Scouts love earning them! There’s never any pressure to do badges. Scouts can do as many or as few as they like.
But for those up for a challenge, there are loads of exciting badges to aim for, such as the Chief Scout’s Acorn, Bronze, Silver and Gold Awards. These are the highest awards that Squirrels, Beavers, Cubs and Scouts can earn. And for those going even further, the King’s Scout Award is the top achievement for young people in Scouts.

Chief Scout’s Acorn Award
This is the highest award a Squirrel Scout can earn. It shows that you’ve had adventures, helped your friends, and learned new things – it’s a big achievement!

Chief Scout’s Bronze Award
This is the highest award a Beaver can earn, and it’s something you work on gradually throughout your whole time in the section.

Chief Scout’s Silver Award
This is the highest award a Cub can earn. To complete it, you need to earn six Activity or Staged Activity Badges of your choice, as well as all seven of the Challenge Awards.

Chief Scout’s Gold Award
This is the highest award a Scout can earn. To complete it, you need to complete all nine of the Challenge Awards, plus six Activity badges.

Chief Scout’s Platinum Award
The Chief Scout’s Platinum Award is a chance to celebrate your progress, and take stock of how far you’ve come.

Chief Scout’s Diamond Award
The Chief Scout’s Diamond Award is the highest of the Chief Scout’s Awards and the final step before the King’s Scout Award.

Kings Scout Award
The King’s Scout Award is the top achievement for Explorer Scouts and Scout Network members. Earning it is a huge achievement!

Explorer Belt
The Explorer Belt is the challenge of a lifetime. Explore untrodden ground over a ten-day period, test your limits and get to grips with a new culture.

Scouts Of The World Award
Be a global citizen and make an impact on the world while learning new skills.