
Find out more about our district Scout Shop

Our District Shop has  stocks of ALL uniforms and ALL sizes for Squirrels, Beavers, Cubs, Scouts, Explorers and Leaders. This includes Sweatshirt/Polo/Shirt/Blouse/Activity trousers/Caps/Belts/Woggles

Payment options include Cash/Cheque/Card.

An Incentive Scheme is now in place for the Profit made to be returned to your Group each year. Help your Group and avoid any delivery charges.

The shop is open on Wednesday evenings 18:00 to 19:30 (school term times only) and is located at the 6th Fulwood Scout headquarters at the end of Beechway, Fulwood, PR2 8EU (behind Kennington School

Note – that since Kennington Road is now one way past the school it is best to access from Watling Street Road via Bedford Road). Our shop is run by Scouting volunteers and all profits are returned to local Scouting.

Contact Details


Phone: 01772 846529


6th Fulwood Scout Group, Beechway, Fulwood, Preston, PR2 8EU

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