Training courses
Our county, West Lancashire Scouts, organises regular training courses and workshops. Head to their website to find all the events and book onto them.
Mandatory training
All adults in Scouting are required to do a minimum level of training within a maximum time frame (5 months). This is to ensure all volunteers are equipped with the right tools for the role and keep our young people safe. Speak to your training advisor or the local training managers if you are unsure of what’s required.
First Response
This module aims to cover the skills and knowledge necessary to enable adults to manage an incident and provide basic first aid.
It is a requirement for all adults in Scouting to renew their First Aid training at least every three years.
Training is organised by West Lancashire Scouts in conjunction with each District. Click the button below, to find out where the next first aid course is happening
(Required by all roles)
GDPR Training
GDPR Training is a mandatory module for all appointments. It covers the basic information that individual’s need to know in relation to the General Data Protection Regulations, what this means for their role and for Scouting and how to effectively align with it. Topics covered:
- Personal Data
- Individuals’ rights
- Consent
- Accountability & Governance
(Required by all roles)
Don’t forget to screenshot or save your certificate as a PDF.
Module 1 – Essential Information
Essential Information is a mandatory module for nearly all adults in Scouting. It provides the basic information required for individuals getting started in adult roles in Scouting, vital to ensuring that all young people can enjoy safe Scouting.
(Required by all roles)
Don’t forget to screenshot or save your certificate as a PDF.
Module 3 – Tools For The Role – Section Leaders
Tools for the Role (Section Leaders) is a mandatory module for Section Leaders, Assistant Section Leaders and Section Assistants. It covers the basic information on the individual’s role or area of responsibility and some practical help to get the individual started in the role.
Don’t forget to screenshot or save your certificate as a PDF. If you have problems generating the certificate take a screenshot of the results screen.
Note that you’ll need to validate this module with a Training Advisor after completing the training by providing evidence of putting the learning into practice.
(Section leaders, Assistant Section Leaders and Section Assistants only)
Module 4 – Tools For The Role – Managers & Supporters
Tools for the Role (Managers and Supporters) is a mandatory module for Group Scout Leaders, Commissioners and ASU Managers . It covers the basic information on the individual’s role or area of responsibility and some practical help to get the individual started in the role.
(Required by Managers and Supporter roles only)
Don’t forget to screenshot or save your certificate as a PDF. If you have problems generating the certificate take a screenshot of the results screen.
Note that you’ll need to validate this module with a Training Advisor after completing the learning.
Safeguarding Training
The issues facing adult volunteers in keeping young people safe are changing all the time and it is essential that we provide up-to-date training.
It is a requirement for all adults in Scouting to have their ‘approved safeguarding training’ at least every three years.
(Required by all roles)
Don’t forget to screenshot or save your certificate as a PDF.
Safety Training
The safety of all our members is of paramount importance, it is essential that we provide up-to-date training so volunteers understand our safety protocols.
It is a requirement for all adults in Scouting to renew their safety training at least every three years.
(Required by all roles)
Don’t forget to screenshot or save your certificate as a PDF.
Wood badge and other Training Modules
To support adults in Scouting, the Association provides a comprehensive programme of training to build on existing skills and knowledge and develop new competencies.
Adult volunteers are at the heart of Scouting, and we hope that you will get every bit as much out of it as you put in. Scouting is not only about young people, but also about the development of adults within the Movement.
Our training modules go towards completing the Wood Badge. Some elements of training can also count towards externally-recognised qualifications.
Personal Learning Plan
You will work with your local training advisor to create a personal learning plan that takes into account your prior learning and knowledge along with your development needs to pull together a learning plan.
You can use the following resources to support your training.
Scouts Training
Every role volunteer in Scouting is required to complete some training which is tailored to their role.
Your training can help you learn new skills to support you when you’re running your section, managing a dispute or even taking some Cubs out on the water for the first time.
Young leader training
The Young Leaders’ Scheme is the training programme for Explorer Scout Young Leaders. It contains 11 modules and four missions for ESYLs to work through whilst volunteering in their chosen section. All ESYLs and Duke of Edinburgh volunteers are required to complete at least Module A within 3 months of commencing their role.
Supplementary modules
Supplementary Modules may be completed by choice of the learner, to develop existing learning or due to a suggestion by your Training Adviser.
Nights away
The nights away permit scheme is an internal assessment scheme designed to ensure that all those leading nights away events for young people within Scouting have the skills, experience and personal suitability to do so.