Outline: The Chair will lead the Executive Committee, ensuring that it fulfils its responsibilities within the Group, District or County/Area/Region. The Chair will work closely with the Group Scout Leader/ relevant Commissioner to achieve the purpose of The Scout Association through the development of local Scouting, in accordance with the Policy, Organisation and Rules of The Scout Association.
Responsible for: Executive Committee Members.
Responsible to: The relevant Scout Council.
Appointment requirements: Must successfully complete the appointment process (including acceptable personal enquiries and acceptance of The Scout Association’s policies).
It’s expected that whilst volunteering for this role you will undertake regulated activity.
The responsibilities of the Chair:
- Objectively and impartially chairing and facilitating Executive Committee meetings.
- Acting as the Chair of the relevant Scout Council.
- Planning the annual cycle of Executive Committee meetings and setting the agenda for Executive Committee meetings.
- Monitoring that decisions and actions agreed at Executive Committee meetings are implemented.
- Working closely with the GSL / relevant Commissioner to ensure there are long term and short term goals and the role the Executive Committee can play in helping to achieve these.
- Providing direction for the Executive Committee.
- Ensuring that all members of the Executive Committee have been briefed and inducted into their roles, receive appropriate training, and are aware of their status as charity trustees.
- Addressing and resolving conflicts that arise.
- Membership and attendance of any working groups or sub-Committees set up by the Executive Committee, where appropriate.
- For District and County/Area/Regional Chair, acting as the final appeal point for appointment disagreements between the Appointments Advisory Committee and District or County/Area/Region Commissioner.
General Executive Committee responsibilities:
- To be a full and active participant in Executive Committee meetings and activities.
- To uphold the responsibilities of an Executive Committee as outlined in The Scout Association’s Policy Organisation and Rules.
- Willingness and eligibility to act as a Charity Trustee for the Group, District or County/Area/Region.*
- Contribute to the strategic aims and future development of the Group, District or County/Area/Region.
- An understanding of their own role, and the role of others on the Executive Committee
- A commitment to understanding and forming opinions on the key discussion points and responsibilities of the Executive Committee.
- Willingness to complete various tasks which support the work of the Executive Committee and aims of the Group, District or County/Area/Region.
Skills for a Chair:
- Strong leadership skills
- Strong communication and inter-personal skills
- Ability to work as part of a team
- Able to think creatively and solve problems
- Able to motivate others and encourage participation
- Able to handle and resolve conflict effectively
- Willing to speak one’s mind and listen to the views of others.
- Able to maintain independent and objective judgement
- Willing to actively design and contribute to the strategic vision of the Group, District or County/Area/Region
- Willingness to take decisions which will further the work of the Group, District or County/Area/Region.
Note: any other tasks are to be agreed with the Line Manager.